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In the Jura

Discover the Upland with us! We strongly recommend the places below  which you must see  when visiting us!


Kromołowiec Hill in Niegowonice - 11 km

A great viewpoint  on limestone rocks, and also one of the busiest  places for climbers. There is a wonderful view of Ogrodzieniec, Błędowska Desert and Rabsztyn from the hill.


Zawiercie - 11 km

The Basilica of St.Peter and Paul from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries is the place of interest.


Ice rink in Zawiercie - 12 km

The ice rink at Wierzbowa Street in Zawiercie is one of the winter attractions offered by the city. Skates can be rented for a small fee on site.


Błędowska Desert - about 15 km

An unusual attraction, called the "Polish Sahara". It is the largest area of ​​inland sands in Europe. Several viewpoints have been created here that will allow you to enjoy this unique place. Used as a military training ground, mainly for parachute jumpers.


Zborów Mountain Reserve, The Deep Cave - 15 km

One of the most beautiful viewpoints in the entire Upland. In good weather, it offers a wonderful panorama of the Upland landscape and the nearby eagle nests - Ogrodzieniec, Morsko, Bobolice and Mirów. There is  a Deep Cave in the mountain massif  which is open to the public.


Castle ruins in Siewierz - 16 km

The castle of the Cracow bishops was built in the 14th century on the site of a wooden stronghold. It is said that Napoleon stayed  overnight in one of the inns in the market square in Siewierz.


Rzędkowickie Rocks - 22 km

A group of rocks with a length of 1 km in Rzędkowice, which can be seen from the Birów Mountain. One of the favourite climbing spots in the Upland.


Mirów and Bobolice castles - about 25 km

These two strongholds can be seen in one go, as they are located approx. 2 km from each other. A very interesting and relatively easy hiking route leads from one castle to the other  one. It is really worth the walk.


Złoty Potok - 40 km

A place famous for its historic trout farm and a manor house, where Zygmunt Krasiński, a fomous Polish romantic poet, lived. There are also beautiful ponds. The Trout Festival is held here regularly, during which trout and liqueurs are tasted. Złoty Potok is a very interesting and beautiful place with many attractions for tourists.


Ojców and Ojcowski National Park - 43 km
The smallest but also one of the most attractive national parks for tourists. There are ruins of the Ojców castle and the Pieskowa Skała Castle. There are two beautiful caves, Łokietek Cave and Dark Cave , open to public. There is a  famous  Hercules’ Club, the Cracow Gate and the Spring of Love - one of the most charming places in the park.

Rock of Love in Mstów - 62 km
One of the most interesting attractions in this town. It is an outlier rock with an interesting legend which tells the story about a pair of lovers.



Zdjęcie: Gość indywidualny.
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Zamkowy Gościniec to idealne miejsce na odpoczynek dla rodzin z dziećmi, zarówno podczas pobytów weekendowych na Jurze, jak i w trakcie dłuższych wyjazdów wakacyjnych. Gwarantujemy Wam wspaniałe chwile w samym Sercu Jury!

Zdjęcie: Dla biznesu.
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Do współpracy z nami zapraszamy grupy biznesowe. W Zamkowym Gościńcu posiadamy kameralną salę konferencyjną, dostosowaną do organizacji niewielkich szkoleń czy spotkań biznesowych.

Zdjęcie: Dzieci i młodzież szkolna.
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Dzieci i młodzież

W ofertach dla najmłodszych bardzo ważny jest dla nas aspekt edukacyjny. Pragniemy przybliżyć dzieciom i młodzieży nasze dziedzictwo i pokazać, że historia nie musi wiązać się tylko z zakuwaniem dat!

Zdjęcie: Dzieci i młodzież szkolna.
Oferta weselna.


Marzysz o weselu jak z bajki? Ta oferta jest dla Ciebie. Organizujemy śluby i wesela na Zamku, bowiem majestatyczne mury i średniowieczna atmosfera sprawiają, że Zamek jest miejscem idealnym na zorganizowanie ślubu jak z bajki!

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